About The Australian Aged Care Group Pty Ltd

About Us

The Australian Aged Care Group Pty Ltd has evolved from two generations of the Matthies family, who have been involved in aged care since the 1960s.

First generation visionaries, Keith and Betty Matthies were acknowledged by the aged care industry as being amongst its earliest innovators and instrumental in guiding the industry towards where it is positioned today.

The husband and wife team was one of the first aged care providers to build and operate new purpose-built facilities in Melbourne in the 1970s and early 1980s. They were also the founders and operators of Canterbury Nursing Home from 1966 through to their eventual retirement in the early-2000s.

As a result of growing up in this environment, Keith and Betty’s son, John Matthies, now the Managing Director of Australian Aged Care Group Pty Ltd, has had a life-long involvement in the industry, both as a lawyer and owner/operator of aged care facilities. John was keen to perpetuate his parents’ legacy and in the early 2000s commenced building and operating top tier facilities that would meet all the needs and expectations of the growing baby boomer market, as well as people from his parents’ generation.

Following his parents’ retirement, John sourced and built the Kew Gardens residence in Gellibrand Street, Kew and then Banfields in Cowes, Phillip Island.

Taking into account this impressive family history, the company’s motto of “Exceptional Care Built on Solid Foundations”, is evidenced by the continued success and shared vision of three generations of progressive aged care providers.

For more information, please visit aacg.com.au
